Las Vegas Entertainers Unite in LIVE at SIGNAL NO. 5 Benefit Concerts On Behalf of Victims of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan)
The concert generated $4,000 during the event and was donated to One World Institute, a nonprofit based in San Francisco.
Full story by Lorna Lardizabal-Deitz can be found by clicking this link: https://www.scribd.com/document/189489397/FACCGN-Dec-13-2013-Las-Vegas-Entertainers-Unite-in-LIVE-at-SIGNAL-NO-5-Benefit-Concerts-on-Behalf-of-Victims-of-Typhoon-Yolanda-Aka-Haiyan?fbclid=IwAR1n0Ey07bOX-96_RNwIMOZ0P018-tHg1acOGhBy6XNxJYt4z0Un4Cq-8MM
Live at Signal Number Five
Las Vegas Entertainers Unite in “Live at Signal No.5” Benefit Concert
Benefit Show hosted by FACCGN on behalf of victims of Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan in the Philippines
LAS VEGAS – December 13, 2013
The Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Nevada (“FACCGN”) in association with Suncoast Casino and Las Vegas Talent Agency, Definitive Talents (“Def Tal”) is bringing “Live at Signal No.5,” a series of multi-venue fund-raising benefit concerts in support of Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda Relief efforts to the Suncoast Casino Showroom. The live show, featuring a show-stopping roster of Las Vegas Entertainers, launches its first concert on Friday, December 13, 2013 at 7:30 pm. Live at Signal No.5 represents the collective efforts of many within the Las Vegas Entertainment community who have contributed their time, resources, and talent in order to help raise funds for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda in the Philippines.
Entertainers who are lined up for this humanitarian effort include: 24K Band, 360 Band, Klique, Repertoire Band, Revive Band, HNLV, JAMM Band, Dara, Renee Hale, Trina Johnson Finn, DJ Jaym, Knine & G-No, Rita Lim, Peter Pavone, Mico Mauleon, Jenni Selma, Marlena Zion, Crystal Yuan and Tunay. Live at Signal No.5 will perform an exclusive engagement premiering Friday, December 13, 2013 at the Suncoast Casino Showroom. Showtime starts at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $20.00. Tickets are available at all Boyd Gaming Casino Box Offices or at the Suncoast Casino Box Office or by calling (702)636-7111.

Top : Video Clip the finale number featuring the performers and officers and members of the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Nevada (FACCGN) to the tune of '‘We are the World'‘.
Below: Images from the evening's concert highlighting guest appearance by celebrity singer, Martin Nievera and a host of stellar performers from Las Vegas entertainment circle.
Photo credits: SarVic.com

FACCGN Officials lead by President Robert Henry (+) and Vice President Ron Cabildo and Senior Adviser Rozita V. Lee present the Plaque of Appreciation to the Officers of SunCoast Hotel and Casino for generously hosting the concert venue for the Benefit Concert: Line at Signal No 5.

FACCGN Officials lead by President Robert Henry (+) and Vice President Ron Cabildo and Senior Adviser Rozita V. Lee with the Officers of SunCoast Hotel and Casino led Josh Crame in appreciation for generously hosting the concert venue for the Benefit Concert: Line at Signal No 5.

FACCGN Officials led by Joel Enriquez, President Robert Henry (+), Senior Adviser Rozita V. Lee, Olive Enriquez and Maria Henry, Secretary gather by the lobby of SunCoast Hotel and Casino.